RTIwala Team’s Report Explains, What all you should know about Rohingyas and their plight. We all know that the life of a refugee is comprised of fear and difficulty. There’s no livelihood if a human is not having one’s right to living for food, water, and land. RTIwala Explains to you, about Who are Rohingya people and why they are being victimized by their religious beliefs and necessities.
Who are Rohingyas?

The Rohingyas are a group of minority people, especially in a large number of Muslims, who were once considered a citizen of the state of Myanmar. These immigrants are an ethnic group, who predominantly live in the Western Myanmar province of Rakhine. They speak a particular form of a Bengali, as they are opposed to speaking their Burmese language. Myanmar had denied their citizenship as they believed that these people have migrated to their land during the Colonial rule.
Related: Here’s What You Didn’t Know: Where is the Rohingya abode?
These Rohingya’s have been said to belong to the South East Asian countries and Indian sub-continent parts, for generations. Rohingya’s were not allowed to leave their country with government permission. The western coastal belt of Rakhine is stated as the poorest in the country due to lack of basic services. Due to ongoing violence and persecution, hundreds of thousands of Rohingya have fled to neighboring countries either by land or boat over the course of many decades.
From where these Rohingya came from?
Myanmar had denied their citizenship since 1982 and made them stateless. The ARNO (Arkan Rohingya ) said that “Rohingyas have been living in Arakan from time immemorial. They are a people with distinct culture and civilization of their own”. During the British rule, there was a significant amount of migration of laborers was done from Myanmar, to what is now known as India and Bangladesh.
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What happened in the violence of 2012 between Buddhists and Muslims
There were communal tensions held between Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims, leading death of hundreds of people. The storyline was a rape of a young Buddhist woman which give a spark to the deadly events, since then. The violent crashes number got increasing pertaining to many Rohingya’s being butchered, maltreated and killed. The government had made the scenario of state emergency and midnight curfews, but it leads to no fruitful result in the end.
What About Rohingya Crisis in August-2017
Rohingya – stateless minority group of Muslim people have persecution of many years from their so-called native land Myanmar. Their deep-rooted hatred for Rakhine Buddhists had to lead to deadly communal violence in the past. This year on August 25, Rohingya attacked more than 30 police posts, with knives and handmade bombs. It leads to the death of 12 members of the security forces, which led to term them as ‘security threat’. And since then Rohingya’s had fled to Bangladesh in a large number.
Human Rights Watch say most damages occurred in Maungdaw Township, between 25 August and 25 September – with many villages destroyed after 5 September, when Myanmar’s de facto leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, said security force operations had ended.
What India has to say for – Rohingya
As per the ministry of Home Affairs, it is said to have nearly 40,000 Rohingya’s are living in India. Recently, Union minister of state for home affairs Kiren Rijiju informed the Lok Sabha that the accurate number of illegal immigrants is yet not available. He also added that India has a record of accepting many such refugees, of which none of them has been deported yet. India has been internationally acclaimed for dealing with and providing protection to such refugees.
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India has provided them opportunities but because of the limited resources, it needs to be more serious with security challenges perspective. We found many Bangladeshi women working as maids and men as rickshaw pullers in Northern Central region of India.
The UN and HRW have their opinions on Rohingyas – ones who have faced decades of discrimination and repression under successive Burmese governments. Their tolerance towards humanitarian crisis has to be dealt with strict protocols, providing them with food, shelter, and water.
The Right to Humanity is inherent to every human being without being any sort of discrimination. Losing morality decreases being human, let’s stop oneself from this.
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