We all know that there were numerous known and unknown countrymen, who have sacrificed their lives and livelihood during the Struggle for India’s Independence regarded by us as Indian Freedom Fighters. So as a Tribute, our Government of India providing them pension and a few facilities for their significant contribution in getting the freedom from Britishers.
The RTIwala Team researched and prepared an Exclusive report which we call it RTIwala Explains!
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As per Freedom Fighters & Rehabilitation Division which works under the Ministry of Home Affairs, there are the following eligibility criteria :
- A person who had suffered a minimum
imprisonment of six months on account of
participation in the freedom struggle. - A person who, on account of his participation
in the freedom struggle, remained
underground for more than six months. - Eligible dependents of martyrs.
- A person who, on account of participation
in the freedom struggle, was interned in
his home or external from his district for
the minimum period of 6 months. - A person whose property was confiscated or
attached and sold due to his participation in
the freedom struggle. - A person who, on account of participation in
the freedom struggle became permanently
incapacitated during firing or lathi charge. - A person who lost his Government job for
participation in the freedom struggle. - A person who was awarded the punishment of ten
or more strokes of caning/flogging/whipping
for his/her participation in the freedom struggle. - INA personnel are also eligible for a pension if
the imprisonment/detention suffered by them was outside
India for six months or more. - In the case of women and SC/ST freedom fighters
the minimum period of actual imprisonment for eligibility of
the pension/Samman is three months. - *Those who participated in the
Hyderabad Liberation Movement for the merger
of the erstwhile State of Hyderabad with the Union
of India during 1947-48, were made eligible for
grant of pension under the “Swatantrata Sainik
Samman Pension Scheme, 1980” by relaxing
the eligibility conditions. - **Those FFs who participated in the Hyderabad Liberation Movement up to 15.09.1948, i.e., before the police action in Hyderabad would be eligible for the grant of pension.
*&** Added at the later stage, on the recommendations of two different committees.
So What all our Freedom Fighters and their dependents Get?
For their unconditional love and service to the nation and its future. Our Central Government provides freedom fighters Swatantrata Sainik Samman Pension Scheme (1980) which is renamed in 1.04.2017 as Swatantrata Sainik Samman Yojana on the recommendation of the Committee of Eminent Freedom Fighters in 2015 as it isn’t just an ordinary pension for them rather a Samman for their Courage and Sacrifice.
The amount of monthly pension received by our revered Freedom Fighters has been revised with effect from 15.08.2016 which is as follows:

Latest Figures :

So who is considered as Dependent of Indian Freedom Fighters?
Spouses (widows/widowers), unmarried and unemployed daughters (up-to maximum three) and mother or father of deceased freedom fighters (as also of martyrs,) in that order are eligible for grant of dependent family pension under the scheme. At one point in time, only one of the above-mentioned categories of dependents is eligible for family pension.
What are other facilities our Indian Freedom Fighters Get?
- The free railway passes (II AC in Rajdhani, Chair Car in Shatabdi and I Class/AC Sleeper in all other trains) for freedom fighter or his widow, along with a companion, for life.
- Free medical facilities in all Central Government hospitals and hospitals
run by PSUs under the control of the Bureau of Public Enterprises. - C.G.H.S. facilities have also been extended to the freedom fighters and their eligible dependents.
- Telephone connection, subject to feasibility, without installation charges and on payment of only half the rental.
- General Pool residential accommodation (within the overall 5% discretionary quota) in Delhi.
- Transit accommodation in the Freedom Fighters’ Home set up in New Delhi for the freedom fighters / eligible dependents.
- Free air travel facility to ex-Andaman freedom fighters / their widows to visit Andaman & Nicobar Islands, once a year, along with a companion.
- Provision of 4% reservation under ‘Combined Category’ for Physically Handicapped Personnel (PH), Outstanding Sports Persons (OSP) and Freedom Fighters (FF) in normal selection procedure adopted by Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies for allotment of petrol pumps, gas agencies, etc.
And, the good this is all major facilities provided to the freedom fighters are also extended to their widows.
What’s more about Indian Freedom Fighters and their privileges?
In some states like Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, there is the provision of reservation in employment or college entrance exams under for the freedom fighters or their dependents.
Can you provide me with the list of movements, mutinies, struggles considered for granting the Samman?
We’re obliged to do so. Here’s the List of movements, mutinies, struggles, etc., participation and suffering
in which is recognized for grant of pension under the Swatantrata Sainik Samman Pension Scheme, 1980. But please understand that this is an administrative compilation and does NOT include all movements in which our FFs have contributed. As there’re many known, lesser-known and unknown movements and struggles.
1.The Ghadar Movement.
2. Jhansi Regiment Case in Army (1940).
3. Rani Jhansi Regiment and Azad Hind of INA (1943-45).
4. Holwell Monument Removal Movement conducted by Netaji in 1940 at Calcutta.
5. Royal Indian Navy Mutiny, 1946.
6. Khilafat Movement.
7. Harsha Chhina Mogha Morcha (1946-47).
8. Mopla Rebellion (1921-22).
9. Arya Samaj Movement in the erstwhile Hyderabad State (1938-39).
10. Madurai Conspiracy Case (1945-47).
11. Border Camp Cases in erstwhile Hyderabad State (1947-48).
12. Suez Canal Army Revolt in 1943 during Quit-India Movement & Ambala Cantt.
Army Revolt in 1943.
13. The Gurudwara Reform Movement (1920-25) including:
(i) Taran Taran Morcha.
(ii) Nankana Tragedy of February (1920).
(iii) The Golden Temple Ke Affairs (Morcha Chabian Saheb).
(iv) Guru ka Bagh Morcha.
(v) Babar Akali Movement.
(vi) Jaito Morch.
(vii) Bhai Pheru Morcha; and
(viii) The Sikh Conspiracy (Golden Temple) of 1924.
14. Praja Mandal Movement in the erstwhile Princely States (1939-49).
15. Kirti Kisan Movement (1927).
16. Navjavan Sabha (1926-31).
17. Quit India Movement (1942).
18. INA and IIL (1942 to 1946).
19. Merger Movement in the former French and Portuguese possessions in
20. Peshawar Kand in which members of the Garhwal Rifles took part.
21. Red Leaf Conspiracy Case (1931).
22. Chauri Chaura Kand (1922).
23. Aranya Satyagraha of Karnataka (1939-40).
24. Goa Liberation Movement.
25. Kalipattanam Agitation (1941-42).
26. Kallara – Pangode case.
27. Kadakkal Riot case.
28. Chengannur Riot case.
29. Vattiyoorkavu Conference.
30. Anti-Independent Travancore.
31. Punnapra-Vayalar Movement.
32. Karlvelloor Movement.
33. Kauvambal Movement.
34. Kayyur Movement.
35. Morazha Movement.
36. Malabar Special Police Strike (MSP Strike ).
37. Dadra and Nagar Haveli Movement.
38. Goa Liberation Movement, Phase II
39. Kuka Namdhari Movement, 1871
40. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, 1919
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Also, read our latest post How many Living Freedom Fighters and their dependents in India? And their state wise categorization. Very soon ScoopWhoop is going to create a video on it and they’ll release it on this Independence Day!
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