Who was Nain Singh Rawat & Why Google Doodle for him…?
RTIwala Explains everything about Nain Singh Rawat & Why the Google Doodle for him in our report on him. As we all know that Google used to celebrate the birth and death anniversary of people, places and things. And, today’s 187th Brith Anniversary if Nain Singh Rawat.
So who was Nain Singh Rawat?

We’ll have read many about world-famous explorers like Marco Polo, Cap. James Cook and others. Nain Singh Rawat was one of them, though quite uncommon. He was one of the first of the late 19th century Indian explorers who explored the Himalayas for the British.
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He hailed from the Johar Valley of Kumaon. He mapped the trade route through Nepal to Tibet, determined for the first time the location and altitude of Lhasa, and mapped a large section of the Brahmaputra, the major Brahmaputra River.
Why Google Doodle Celebrates Birthday Of Explorer Nain Singh Rawat?
By now you have some clues? He born a century ago and today’s his birth anniversary! Yeah! Today is Nain Singh Rawat’s 187th Birth Anninversay as Rai Bahadur Nain Singh Rawat was born to Lata Burha on 21st Oct 1830, in Milam village, a Shauka village in the valley of Johar, at the foot of the Milam glacier where the river Goriganga originates.
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Top 5 Contributions of Nain Singh Rawat
- Since his childhood, he used to go on the expeditions with his father and learned local and Tibetian custom and traditions.
- Nain Singh Rawat mapped the trade route from India through Nepal to Tibet and a major section Tibetan river Tsangpo after getting trained by German German geographers the Schlagintweit brothers.
- In 1865, Nain Singh Rawat traveled nearly 2,000 km from Kathmandu to Lhasa and then to Manasarovar Lake and finally back to India. It was his greatest journey.
- On a second voyage, in 1867, Nain Singh Rawat explored western Tibet and visited the legendary Thok Jalung gold mines. He noticed that the workers only dug for gold near the surface because they believed digging deeper was a crime against the Earth and would deprive it of its fertility. (Source Wikimedia)
- On 27 June 2004, an Indian postage stamp featuring Nain Singh was issued commemorating his role in the Great Trigonometric Survey.
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